Sign up Today!

Sign up here to pay your dues online and become a member! (Click here to learn why we can no longer deduct dues from your paycheck.)

What does it mean to join UE Local 896 – COGS?

Our union has fought hard and won big to improve graduate workers’ working conditions and standard of living.

COGS is the union for all TAs and RAs at the University of Iowa. UE-COGS is an organization run by TAs and RAs from all over campus. Since 1996 UE-COGS has won….

  • 100% tuition remission
  • 50% reduction in mandatory fees
  • Grad Care, a quality and affordable insurance plan, with UI paying 90% of single premiums & 70% of dependent premiums
  • Consistent wage increases
  • Protections against overwork & an effective grievance procedure

The strength of any union is its membership.

Because Iowa is a right to work state, you are not automatically a member of the union, even though you reap the benefits that we work towards. Republicans push for right to work laws because they know it drains resources from unions and disempowers workers, which means more freedom for bosses and corporations to exploit us freely. Becoming a member of your union and paying monthly dues is a way to fight back against this systemic attack on unions and invest in our mutual benefit.

Members get a say in a democratic union that strives to make working conditions, pay, and benefits the best they can be.

Dues-paying members…

  • have a vote on contract, policy positions and union governance
  • have a right to bring any proposal before membership
  • have a right to be nominated and elected to any COGS Coordinating Committee or steward position
  • get a free T-shirt!

Most importantly, COGS members get a say in a democratic union that strives to make working conditions, pay, and benefits the best they can be.

Our union cannot exist without dues money.

Like any organization, COGS depends on finances to exist and be effective. Unlike the University, we aren’t backed by state funding or,  more significantly nowadays, rich investors. We are funding our own movement. Dues fund union activities and organizing; office space; equipment; etc. – all the resources we need to organize! As a member, this is your union. If there is something you want to organize around, dues money means that we can have the resources to help you and your co-workers organize around that issue.

Additionally, a portion of our dues goes to our national union, the UE. In return, the UE provides us with legal assistance and a national union field organizer (Greg Croswho assist us in contract negotiations, grievance handling and arbitration, training, and organizing.

Dues are $29.24 a month. Because of legislative changes to Chapter 20 of Iowa law, dues are no longer automatically deducted from your paycheck. Please use this online form or stop by our office to set up regular dues payments.

How can I pause my dues payments during the summer or during times when I do not have an appointment?

You can pause or cancel your dues payments at any time by logging into your membership account. Click ‘Subscriptions’, ‘View’, and then ‘Cancel.’ Be sure to start up your dues payments again when the semester starts to ensure you remain a member in good standing.
