The Members Run This Union!
UE Local 896/COGS is a democratic, rank-and-file Union. Like our national Union, UE, Local 896/COGS doesn’t just depend on the members. It is the members. At all levels of our Union – Local, Regional, and National – democracy dictates. Members directly elect all Officers, Committee Chairs, Stewards, and Delegates on an annual basis. Every major position and policy taken by the Union is debated and voted on by the members. All major expenditures must be approved by the membership. The Coordinating Committee and Bargaining and Grievance Committee are at all times accountable to the membership. Likewise, the members must be and are actively involved in furthering the goals of the Union in order for them to be achieved. This is what we call rank-and-file democracy.
If you are already a UE/COGS member, consider getting involved in one of the committees listed below or running for a steward position in your department. If you can’t make such a commitment, make an effort to attend monthly Union meetings. What every member has to say is important. If you are not currently a member of UE/COGS, talk to your departmental steward or call the COGS office and sign a membership card today. Join the Union and have a voice!
The day-to-day business of the Union is carried out by the Coordinating Committee and the Bargaining and Grievance Committee. The Coordinating Committee consists of the following officers and chairpersons: President, Vice-President, Corresponding and Recording Officer, Financial Officer, Campus Chief Steward, Area Chief Stewards (4), Bargaining and Grievance Committee Member at large, Unity Officer, International Representative, and the Chairperson of each each standing committee (see below).
The Bargaining and Grievance Committee consists of the President, Campus Chief Steward, Area Chief Stewards (4), and one at-large member.
For stewarding purposes, COGS is divided into different areas in order to better deal with issues around the campus. To find out your area, click here.
Current Officers and Chairpersons (2024-2025)
President: Cary Stough
Vice-President: Jenny Singer
Corresponding & Recording Officer: Hannah Zadeh
Financial Officer: Solomon Fenton-Miller
Campus Chief Steward: Amanda Kozar
Green Area Steward: Gage Liddiard
Blue Area Steward: Regina Napolitano
Yellow Area Steward: Mahdi Feyz
Red Area Steward: Olivia Jones
B, G, & O Committee Member at large: Jacob Payne
Unity Committee Chair: Mansour Golpour
International Student Representative: Ming Wei
Standing Committees
Press & Publicity Committee Chair: Greg Wickenkamp
Political Action Committee Chair: Nicole Yeager
Labor Solidarity Committee Chair: John Tappen
Social Committee Chair: Brendan Powers
Trustees: Andrea Smith, Caleb Pennington, Emma Croushore
UE Western Region Council Delegate: [TBC]
UE Western Region Executive Board member: Jacob Payne
UE General Executive Board member: Jacob Payne
UE Field Organizer: Greg Cross
Past Officers and Chairpersons (2023-2024)
President: Hannah Zadeh
Vice-President: Jenny Singer
Corresponding & Recording Officer: Flannery Currin
Financial Officer: Solomon Fenton-Miller
Campus Chief Steward: Jacob Payne
Blue Area Steward: Rebecca Weaver
Yellow Area Steward: Amanda Kozar
Red Area Steward: Kenton Greene
Green Area Steward: Emma Croushore
Bargaining & Grievance At Large: Greg Wickenkamp
Unity Committee Chair: Allison Bywater
International Student Representative: Osamamen Oba Eduviere
Standing Committees
Press & Publicity Committee Chair: Natalie McClellan
Political Action Committee Chair: Nicole Yeager
Labor Solidarity Committee Chair: John Tappen
Social Committee Chair: Vacant
Trustees: Andrea Smith, Chad Rhym, Caleb Pennington
UE Regional Council Delegates: Hannah Zadeh
UE Field Organizer: Greg Cross